Yep…a lot of people were being used as pawns in that time.
I wrote something about a performance from Melanie (“Candles in the Rain”) and she shared it on Facebook with a statement about how there was a concerted effort to undermine the “hippie” movement. I actually wasn’t sure how common knowledge all these things were, as few people I’ve known have ever heard of COINTELPRO.
I recently got a copy of the Glass House Tapes…that is one crazy account of how sordid that world was back then.
Some time back I read Phil Caputo’s “13 Seconds,” about Kent State…he mentions (but says there is no definitive proof) that there were multiple accounts of agent provacateurs acting on and around campus leading up to the shooting. I’d never heard that before in relation to that event.
Oh, man…you know what? NOt sure if it’s your cup of tea, but Chris Butler (formerly of hte Waitresses) was at Kent State when that went down, and a couple years ago he came out with an album called “Easy Life.” There’s a song about Kent State titled “Beggar’s Bullets.” Fricking awesome song, in my opinion.