Jeff Suwak
1 min readFeb 3, 2019


Kerouac was my first literary hero and the man who made me want to write. In my opinion, the shortcoming of spontaneous prose is that it’s only good in short bursts. Kerouac’s Visions of Cody, probably his wildest writing, spontaneous “bop prosody” from start to finish, was and is simply unreadable to me. In most of his work, Kerouac tempered the wildness so it didn’t get overwhelming. Kerouac usually edited and revised his work quite a lot, and it’s a myth that he didn’t.

This letter from Cassady is great, fascinating stuff, but it only works for a couple pages.

Nothing I’m saying here is intended to disparage the piece written here (which I’ve clapped for lol)…just adding my thoughts.

